How to Determine if Your Life is Off Course

Two important areas of Continual Improvement are time management and energy management. Time Management usually gets the most headlines, but energy management is more important. If we have managed our time well, but not our energy, we may have time to do something, but not the energy.

An INC Magazine article gives five ways to know if your life is more off course than you think. Most of these factors have to do with how we spend our energy. The first one, too busy to get organized, deserves to be at the top of the list. If we don’t have time or energy to get organized, whether it be our desk or day, we might not be able to move forward.

If our life is packed full and we haven’t addressed the “leaks” in our life, we may never realize our vision of who we can be or who God has called us to be. We may have multiple action plans for multiple areas of our life, but, if we can’t get major components such as health, time, relationships, environment, and organization under control, we don’t have much hope of staying on course.

You can find the article here: If You’re Too Busy for These 5 Things your Life is More off Course Than You Think

Action Steps

  • Read the Article
  • Choose one area to focus your attention
  • Determine your Next Step for that area
  • Repeat 😉

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